Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Detective AINE Movie trailer is out, its a must watch

Today afternoon, i was hit by the great news of a group of youth from the Western Ugandan town of Mbarara. These youth did what has never been done in this side of the country, they acted a world class movie.
Here the link to the trailer on youtube----> https://youtu.be/bNdd_feRy2s
Here the link to the trailer on youtube----> https://youtu.be/bNdd_feRy2s

This could be the break through for the Movie industry in the East Africa nation where movie acting was fond of and commonly found in the City Kampala. 

The moment I set my eyes on the Movie trailer, I couldn't help but to share it for the whole world to know about it. The movie title is DETECTIVE AINE. The movie is the first of its kind from Rail 24 productions shot by Star Shooters. Its simply described by the phrase "First of its Kind in Uganda, Love with mixed feelings, Defiance, Bad Guys and Cheating.....SET THE BAD GUYS TO FLAMES."

Here the link to the trailer on youtube----> https://youtu.be/bNdd_feRy2s